
Video Uploading in Blogger

To upload Videos in Blogger:

Go to post editor and click on the button () next to the image uploading button.

Then just select a video from your computer and click Upload.

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1001 YouTube Videos

YouTube has launched a new service called AdSense Players.
In order to use it, you need an AdSense (Google) account and a YouTube account that can be linked.

With AdSense Players you create customized AdSense-enabled video players for publishing to websites or blogs, using keywords or pre-selected premium content, like you see below:

AdSense Players is very easy to setup in 4 steps:

  1. Player Information:
    Enter a name and description for your player. This information will only display in your "My AdSense Players" page to help identify the players you've set up.
  2. Theme:
    Select a color theme for your player.
  3. Layout:
    Select a layout for your player. The layout option is only available when you first create a player. Once you've chosen a layout and saved the player, you won't be able to change it.
  4. Content:
    Choose the type of content for your player by making an appropriate selection:
    • Automated Content: Enter a set of keywords and YouTube will automatically populate the player with related videos.
    • Choose By Category / Provider: Choose content by Category or Provider.
You can change the colors and contents of a player at any time, and all instances of that player will automatically update to the new settings.

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